

以個人或小組為單位,最多由 5 人組成(每組至少有1位澳門居民),並由 1 至 2 位成人引導及負責聯絡協調工作。

1. 感受 - 發現身邊潛在的問題,揀選最想解決的問題作為挑戰主題以。
2. 想像 - 想出解決或改善這個問題的創新獨特方法。
3. 實行 - 集合每一樣所需要的資源,並實踐行動(2023年5月1日至今屆截止交件期間進行)。
4. 分享 - 向他人分享自己的DFC行動,影響更多人支持自己,並參與改變。


  • 無貧窮
  • 零飢餓
  • 良好健康與福祉
  • 優質教育
  • 性別平等
  • 清潔飲水和衞生設施
  • 經濟適用的清潔能源
  • 體面工作和經濟增長
  • 創業、創新和基礎設施
  • 減少不平等
  • 可持續城市和社區
  • 負責任消費和生產
  • 氣候行動
  • 水下生物
  • 陸地生物
  • 和平、正義與強大機構
  • 促進目標實現的伙伴關係
  • 自訂目標

1. 作品語言須為中文或英文。
2. 作品中需要包含作品名稱、組別名稱及清晰表達如何進行四個挑戰步驟。
3. 記錄進行四個挑戰步驟的整個過程,可以用拍照、錄影、錄音或文字記錄等。
4. 作品須以影片(3 至 5 分鐘的短片,格式為 mp4)、投影片(格式為 ppt 或 pptx)或報告(格式為doc、docx 或 pdf)的形式展示。






1.    作品提交表格(從網站下載,並用電腦填寫);
2.    作品(影片/投影片/報告);
3.    為更清晰瞭解作品,建議同時遞交至少5張精華照片(JPEG格式、解析度1920×1080或以上)。

1. 作品必須真正付諸實行,並能帶來實際的改變和成效,而非概念性或試驗性的行動,若未能達到以上條件的作品將不被接納。 
2. 參賽組別可以為學校、社團機構或自由組隊參加,同一學校或社團機構參賽隊數不限。
3. 每個參賽組別可遞交多於一份作品,每人亦可參加多於一個組別。
4. 作品必須原創,不可包含侵權的內容 (如: 圖片或音樂等),而且未曾以任何形式發表。涉及侵權的作品,主辦單位有權取消其參賽資格。
5. 所有遞交作品之版權、創作和使用權當屬主辦單位所有,主辦單位可用作任何宣傳或推廣用途。
6. 作品一經遞交,主辦單位可將其內容編輯、發表或上載於網站、社交網絡作宣傳等用途,而無須徵求參賽者同意。
7. 因應作品質素,主辦單位保留懸空或取消獎項之權利。
8. 主辦單位可在活動期間拍攝及錄影,所得的照片及影片可作為宣傳用途。
9. 參賽者提供的個人資料均會保密,並僅用於本活動。
10. 主辦單位對本次活動擁有最終決定權。





查詢電話: 6231 9651
查詢電郵: dfcmacau@gmail.com
報名電郵: submitdfc@gmail.com
活動網站: http://www.dfcworld.org/macau
Facebook專頁: http://www.facebook.com/DesignForChangeMacau


Children and youth from over 60 countries and regions finish the 4 steps of DFC Challenge (Discover the problem -> Design the creative solution ->Implement the ideas -> Share the result) and they make the world a better place. Participants need to submit the report, presentation file or video to show the details of how they finished the 4 steps.

Macao residents or students aged from 6 to 17

An individual unit or a group with at most 5 members(at least 1 Macao resident), with 1 or 2 adults as mentor and coordinator.


1. Feel - Explore potential problems around you. Choose the problem that you want to solve most as your topic of DFC Challenge.
2. Imagine - Figure out creative ways to solve or improve this problem.
3. Do - Implement the selected idea with the necessary resources (Action between 1 May 2023 and the date of the submission deadline of the 11th DFC Challenge).
4. Share - Share your story with others to inspire more people to support you and make change.

Final Goals

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Good Health & Well-being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Clean Water & Sanitation
  • Affordable & Clean Energy
  • Decent Work & Economic Growth
  • Industry, Innovating & Infrastructure
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Responsible Consumption & Production
  • Climate Action
  • Life below Water
  • Life on Land
  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Partnerships for the Goals
  • Customized Goal

Special Awards of Top 7 Stories: Each member of the winning teams can receive a medal and certificate of award. Teams will have the chance to share their stories. A special experience will be given to them.

7 Awards of Excellence in Instruction: For the mentors of those special awards teams, certificates and rewarded gifts will be awarded for their efforts.

FIDS steps are required to be completed before submitted to organizer for verification. After verifications, the participants will receive the international certificate from Design for Change. 

1. All submissions should be in Chinese or English.
2. Title of the story, name of the team and descriptions about the four steps should be stated clearly in all submissions.
3. The whole process (including all 4 steps) must be recorded in the submissions. Photos, videos, audios and text records are allowed.
4. All submissions should be presented as video (about 3 to 5 minutes, format: mp4), PowerPoint presentation (with photos and text, format: ppt or pptx) or report (with photos and text, format: doc, docx or pdf).

Download the participation form from DFC website and fill it in by computer with accuracy. Then email it to submitdfc@gmail.com. Data will be used for issuing certificates by the organizer. After successful application, the organizer will reply and provide the guideline for online submission.

According to the guideline provided by the organizer, please submit the followings:
1.    Submission Form (Download it from DFC website and fill it by computer)
2.    Your submission (Video / PowerPoint Presentation File / Report)
3.   In order to understand the project clearly, it is recommended to submit at least 5 featured photos (Format is JPEG and resolution is 1920 ×1080 or above).

Points to Note
1. The project must be put into practice instead of conceptual or experimental action. It can bring actual change and impact. The project not meeting the above requirement will not be accepted.
2. Participating groups can be in the name of their representing schools or organizations, or form the group by themselves. There is no limit for the number of teams in the same school or organization.
3. Each group can submit more than one project. Each person can join more than one group.
4. The project must be original, not to commit a tort like pictures, music, etc. and not yet presented to the public in any circumstances. Organizer reserves the right to disqualify the infringing project.
5. The copyright of all the projects will be belonged to the organizer. Therefore, the organizer has the right to use it for any purpose of advertisement and promotion.
6. Once the project being submitted, the organizer has the right to edit and publish them in the website and social network for the promotion purpose without seeking any agreement with the participants.
7. According to the quality of the projects, the organizer reserves the rights to suspend or cancel the qualification of the awards.
8. The organizer will have photo and video taking during the event. All the photos and videos will be used for promotion purpose.
9. All personal information will be kept confidentially and used for this challenge only.
10. The organizer reserves the right to make adjustments to the rules above.

Deadline of Application
15 April 2024

Deadline of Submission
30 April 2024

Notification for Winners
June 2024

The 13th DFC Creativity Sharing Activity & Special Experience:    
July 2024

Phone Number: 6231 9651
Email (Enquiry): dfcmacau@gmail.com
Email (Application): submitdfc@gmail.com
Official Website: http://www.dfcworld.org/macau
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/DesignForChangeMacau
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/dfcmacau